Sundays 2pm
Sunday worship and Sunday school.
We follow a published set of Bible readings which are in the “Pew News” section, so it’s possible to look up the readings for the service in advance.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each Sunday.
We meet either in the main auditorium (which can seat over 1,000 people) for our morning meetings during the summer months (approximately July – September) or in the lower chapel in the autumn and winter months, which has soft chairs, a warm comfortable environment and is most welcoming. There is still room for over 100 people and there is wheelchair access and hearing loop.
To access the lower chapel go down the side entry, though the door on your left and through the lobby into the rooms that comprise the lower chapel complex. The red room is where you will find everybody.
Mondays at 1.30pm
Coffee, Craft and company .
Card making with others of like interest. There is fellowship, chat and tea and coffee as well as a focus on a Bible reading and prayer.
Wednesdays 7.30pm
Midweek meeting for Bible study and prayer
We meet in the lower chapel.